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NK in Laragne

23 September 2018
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

Het NK in Laragne was 19-25 augustus. Voor de tweede keer gingen we met de hele familie op ‘deltavlieg’ vakantie. De heenreis deden we in twee etappes zodat onze twee meiden de reis makkelijk konden verteren. Dat is ook goed gelukt want in het plaatsje Rigny sliepen we in een kasteeltje waar de service zeer […]

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NK Taak 2 en Taak 3

22 July 2013
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

Gisteren had ik lekker gevlogen, alleen kort en ik was uitgezakt. Het maffe is dan dat ik tussen twee emoties inhang. Aan de ene kant blij dat ik weer een uur gevlogen had en aan de andere kant balen dat ik niet zover ben gevlogen terwijl anderen flinke afstanden hadden gevlogen. Mijn toestel vliegt ook […]

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Dutch Open – Task 1

20 July 2013
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

Interesting day today. I made 64km of the 82. Only the last turnpoint I couldn’t make, because there was rain/thunder in the West and I didn’t dare to fly over unlandable area on low altitude. I also couldn’t get high on the mountain in the North. I saw others high above me, but I couldn’t […]

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Dutch Open

19 July 2013
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

Wednesday we arrived. Thursday it was a non-flying-day and I could do some repairs to my harnass (with a big thanks to Anne-Marie for repairs I couldn’t do). This morning we were at the top of the Chabre at 11:00 to do a flight before it starts raining/thunderstorms. I did a half an hour flight […]

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Final results British Open 2012

28 July 2012
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

My goal was to be at the top half. After five tasks I became 29th of the 64 competitors. UPDATE: On Monday I got a tip from Rob that I became 30th of the 65. All the results of this competition can also be found on the Rogallo website.

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British Open – Task 5 – 79km – Goal again in record speed

28 July 2012
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

Today it was a shorter task because of chance of over development which can cause rainshower or thunderstorm. After the start I was getting lower and lower and I went to the South-fish-landingfield. While going there, Arne was there too. He found a thermal and I went into the same thermal. Lucky me ! And […]

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British Open – Task 4 – 76km

27 July 2012
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

It was pretty windy today at the Chabre. The thermals were not doing it that great, so a lot of gliders were in front of the mountain. I couldn’t get the thermals right and went on finding it on the ridge to the next TP. I was getting lower and lower and decided to go […]

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British Open task 3 – 142km – New personal best with 109km

26 July 2012
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

This morning we went to the Chabre. I was not pleased with that because with the prodicted West wind there would be dustdevils again. In the end it was no problem, but nevertheless. I started early and was on cloudbase when the first startgate was opened. That was great. I glided just behind Markus Ebenfeld. […]

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