Today it was a shorter task because of chance of over development which can cause rainshower or thunderstorm.
After the start I was getting lower and lower and I went to the South-fish-landingfield.
While going there, Arne was there too. He found a thermal and I went into the same thermal. Lucky me !
And also climbing this thermal up was really good. I flew steep, hard, I cored it !!
I was back on cloudbase, even trying to avoid the get sucked into the clouds.
I was right on time for the first startgate and went together with everyone on glide over the ridges West of the Chabre for 20km. This was really easy, since I could glide on and on, only pushing out and descrease speed when I was in a thermal.
After TP1 I went back to the Chabre, but I also had to make a de-tour, since I otherwise would have been sucked into the clouds.
After the Chabre I went to the Genis. I first wanted to get on the Ajour at once, but this was not smart.
On the Genis I found a great thermal and I was back at cloudbase. Others joined me in this thermal, but I was on top all the time. Towards the Ajour there was a lot of sink, but I was high enough to get to TP2, the Ajour.
Just before the turnpoint I found a small thermal that drifted me into the turnpoint, those are easy made ones !!
A little bit to the West a big group was thermaling really steep. I could step into this thermal allmost on the top.
After a few turns I went on glide, over TP3 and heading to goal.
It was a bit excited on final glide, since the height was dropping. But at a moment I knew I would make it… yesss !
While landing, it looked like landing on Schiphol, because we were all in the same path landing.
I was also pretty fast, since only 15 to 20 gliders were on goal.
I did this task in 1:31 hour, which is really fast for me.

I am really happy about this last task for now, heading back home tomorrow.
These two weeks also 2 times and goal, longest flight, heighest distance, heighest average task speed… unbelievable !
My learning curve becoming a better XC pilot was pretty steep these two weeks. I wonder what this would bring for the future !

My tracklog on the DHV website.

Briefing on the Chabre The 5th task of 79km Damn.... getting low and heading for the fish landingfield Just after landing on the camping Laragne Monteglin Show off Congratulations from Joost for making goal Talking about the task with Arne disassembling the hangglider on goal