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Final results British Open 2012

28 July 2012
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

My goal was to be at the top half. After five tasks I became 29th of the 64 competitors. UPDATE: On Monday I got a tip from Rob that I became 30th of the 65. All the results of this competition can also be found on the Rogallo website.

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British Open – Task 5 – 79km – Goal again in record speed

28 July 2012
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

Today it was a shorter task because of chance of over development which can cause rainshower or thunderstorm. After the start I was getting lower and lower and I went to the South-fish-landingfield. While going there, Arne was there too. He found a thermal and I went into the same thermal. Lucky me ! And […]

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British Open – Task 4 – 76km

27 July 2012
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

It was pretty windy today at the Chabre. The thermals were not doing it that great, so a lot of gliders were in front of the mountain. I couldn’t get the thermals right and went on finding it on the ridge to the next TP. I was getting lower and lower and decided to go […]

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British Open task 3 – 142km – New personal best with 109km

26 July 2012
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

This morning we went to the Chabre. I was not pleased with that because with the prodicted West wind there would be dustdevils again. In the end it was no problem, but nevertheless. I started early and was on cloudbase when the first startgate was opened. That was great. I glided just behind Markus Ebenfeld. […]

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Task 2 canceled of the British Open

25 July 2012
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

We went Aspres because of expected NW wind, which would come South in the beginning of the afternoon. Instead of this, the wind was NW allmost all the time and the task of 112km was canceled. We used the day to practice short sprints to our gliders when Dustdevils were present. This was done about […]

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GOAL !!!!

24 July 2012
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

My first 100+ goal in my hanggliding career. Jooeeeehhhoooeee !!!! The task was 104km. In the beginning of the task I was low at the Beaumont and had to fight back. But after this it went pretty easy. TP1 was made at the 3400m. Then on glide to TP2 and on glide to the ridge […]

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Task 1 British Open was stopped 139km

23 July 2012
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zonder categorie

What a great day it was. Thermals of 6 m/s, cloudbase of 3600m. But because of hard Eastern winds during the task, the task was stopped. It probably will end up with a high ranking for me, since I was in the lead gaggle on the first start time. I was flying just behind Joost […]

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Belgium Open task 3 – 70km

21 July 2012
Geplaatst door
Bergvliegen, Frankrijk

Because of predicted harder winds then yesterday we had a smaller task from of Aspres. On top of the mountain a lot of pulots were hesitating because of cirrus, strange clouds and panties not going up. After launch it went up pretty good but not high enough to head to the Ajour. In the valley […]

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