Harm, the meet director decided not to fly on Saturday. We had price giving ceremony at 11:00. Details of who won can be found at the official website.
Things to mention are that Martin van Helden became Dutch Champion overall for the first time in his flying career. It was great to see him so proud!
Gijs wanders took his first price (3rd) in the Dutch Open Overall.

For myself, I became 8th of the Dutchies in the mountain part. This is my best place ever. Overall I was 17th of the 39 competitors.
Overall I was 10th, the same as last year.
Overall I am happy because I made goal for the first time and I feel I improved in XC flying.
I hope this upgoing line will continue and I will have a good Europeans in Turkey. We (Gijs, Arne and myself) started organising this trip this week. There are a lot of things to think about.

By the way: Sponsors are welcome!