We had a 63km task with Turnpoints to the west. One of them about 25km away to the west. I did an early start to avoid influence of seeing bad starts like yesterday. It was hard to find the first thermal, but about 200m above ground, I found a thermal. But it was broken about 400m higher. I got back to pick the same thermal again and I got up to 2500m. I made the first and second turnpoint pretty easy, but I got low on my way to the 3rd turnpoint. Together with Martin and Rob we found a thermal, but it was not such a good one. I flew back to the front of the ridge where it went up really hard. This was because of the rainfront coming towards us. My decesion was not to try to get in front of the rain, but get back to the official landingfield. It was hard to get down but I made it after all. A lot of pilots made the same decesion. This started a discusion wethet this task should be stopped or not. I have second thoughts about what to think. If I would have made the decission to go before the rain it would have been a risk. I think that risks are not a part of a competition.

Tracklog on DHV website